Code of Conduct
The Arboretum of South Barrington, including its buildings, roadways and parking areas, is private property. We have set forth the following rules to protect the property’s legitimate business interests and provide you with the best shopping experience possible. By adhering to the rules, together we can achieve a safe and successful environment.
- Use of obscene language or gestures. Racial, religious, gender or ethnic slurs.
- Behavior that is disorderly, disruptive or that endangers others.
- Defacing, damaging, destroying or shoplifting any property.
- Littering.
- Running, skating, skateboarding, rollerblading, hover boarding, and bicycling. “Horse play”, loitering, obstructing or interfering with the free flow of customer traffic.
- Fighting, harassment, shouting, offending others, sexually explicit language, or provoking confrontations.
- Use of the property in an improper or unsafe manner.
- Loud behavior, the playing of musical instruments or audio devices, and the blocking of store entrances, walkways, or fire exits.
- Clothing that does not adequately cover the body. All patrons must be fully clothed and cannot wear indecent, inappropriate or gang-related attire.
- Clothing that obscures the face, unless worn for cultural, religious or medical conditions, or mandated by public health officials.
- Possession of any item that that could be used as a weapon, including but not limited to, firearms, explosives, fireworks, clubs or sticks (except umbrellas, canes and other medical-type devices), knives with blades over 2” in length, or any other object(s) that may be used in any way to inflict bodily injury on another person, even if legally owned.
- Smoking and E-cigarettes within 15 feet of doors and at outdoor event premises.
- Illegal possession, use, or consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances. The legal consumption of alcoholic beverages may only occur in designated areas
- Picketing, leafleting, soliciting or petitioning, unless authorized by The Arboretum of South Barrington Management.
- Photographing, videotaping or filming, unless authorized by The Arboretum of South Barrington Management.
- Sitting on floors, planters, handrails, artwork, stairs, trash receptacles, or other areas not specifically designed for seating. Benches, chairs, and seating areas are for sitting only.
- Unauthorized overnight parking or camping.
- Refer to Dog Code of Conduct.
- Groups may be dispersed.
- Guests are required to leave the common areas after business close each evening.
- School truancy policies are strictly enforced.
- Any unattended bags are subject to search and possible seizure.
- Any person who fails to comply with the request of The Arboretum of South Barrington Management or Security may be asked to leave the property.
Your entry to The Arboretum of South Barrington constitutes your consent to abide by the above rules governing conduct and your acknowledgment that you have no expectation of privacy while you are in the common areas of The Arboretum of South Barrington, such that you may be photographed and your communications may be overheard or recorded. A violation of this Code of Conduct may result in expulsion from the property and/or other legal action as The Arboretum of South Barrington Management deems appropriate. If you have questions regarding the Code of Conduct, please contact the Management Office. Management reserves the right to amend the Code of Conduct at any time and to enforce additional rules at its sole discretion.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and for shopping at The Arboretum of South Barrington.
Customers 18 years or older may bring their leashed, well-behaved dogs to the exterior common areas of The Arboretum of South Barrington, except when not permitted pursuant to Arboretum rules for specific events. Some merchants may permit dogs in their store and may have their own rules. The comfort and convenience of our human visitors is our first priority. Dog owners bringing their dog must follow these rules:
- Dog must always be leashed or inside a carrier.
- Retractable leashes and leashes longer than six feet are not permitted.
- Owner must always supervise and control their dog.
- Owner is legally responsible for their dog’s behavior and cleaning up after them.
- Owner of any dog that mall management deems as causing a disturbance, or may present a danger to others, must leave the mall with their dog.
- Owner must immediately notify Arboretum security of any incident involving their dog and provide all relevant information to Mall security.
- Owner must comply with all applicable laws as it relates to their dog, including laws pertaining to dog licensing and vaccinations.
- Dogs are not permitted in retail establishments where food is served.
- Dogs are not permitted in any of the Mall’s fountains.
- Do not leave your dog unattended or left in a minor’s care.
- Do not leave your dog alone in your vehicle.
Ask permission from a dog’s owner before approaching or petting a dog. Do not crowd dogs.
There are three disposable bag stations available for dog owners to clean up after their pets. They are located by Kriser’s Natural Pet, DSW and on Main Street Plaza.
Thank you for both your anticipated cooperation and for shopping at The Arboretum of South Barrington.